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What is Kosmic Kabbalah Art?

The word 'cosmos' refers to the physical universe seen as an orderly harmonious Whole.  The original Greek word 'Kosmos' however, refers to the Whole of all existence - in all realms - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The Hebrew word Kabbalah refers to the ancient mystical teachings that describe the Kosmos as an orderly harmonious Whole.

The teachings and much of the artwork presented on this site deal with Kosmic themes that are based on the Kabbalah:  Infinity, Eternity, Kosmogeny, Holy Names, Mandalas,  Sacred Geometry, Fractals, and Sefirotic Maps of the Kosmos (Tree of Life Diagrams).


All of the Giclee prints on canvas as well as all the prints on paper are hand-signed.  The canvas prints can be stretched and framed without glass.  The paper prints should be framed with glass.

There are some new pictures that are only now available as Giclee prints on canvas.  To view them go to 'New Works' under the 'Artworks by Subject' heading.

This picture, in which the Hebrew letter א is hidden, can either be a sunrise or sunset, but we know that it is not the sun rising or setting, it is the earth spinning relative to the sun.  Modern Science has united the Heavens and the Earth for us by seeing that both obey the same Newtonian laws of motion.   Later, Albert Einstein united Energy and Matter into one for us with his famous… more
The ancient tree in this picture is at least one thousand years old.  Its diameter is almost two meters wide.  The insides of olive trees get hollow as they grow older, and their trunks twist in a spiral around their hollow core.  I remember taking my wife and kids there when they were younger and all of us could fit inside the hollow core of this beautiful and ancient tree.   Several years ago I… more
Rabbi Isaac Luria (known as the Ari) described the Ten Sefirot in great detail in a way known as Partzufim (Faces of God).  This how Prophets and Kabbalists see God in their own likeness and form.  And since humans come in many forms - Masculine and Feminine, Young and Old - the Partzufim are seen in all of these forms.  In this picture, the blue square symbolizes the Masculine, the red triangle… more
In Genesis, God created Adam "in His own Image, in His own Likeness".   However, since we believe that God has no image or likeness, Kabbalists understand this as saying that God makes Himself known to us in our likeness by ‘clothing’ Himself in the 10 Sefirot of Adam Kadmon - associated with the 4 Letters of the Name of God יהוה (YHVH). The 4 Holy Names in this 'Tapestry' are the same in that… more
To create this picture I first put down many layers of acrylic paint in a random chaotic pattern of brush strokes without any intentional plan or order.  Then I put down horizontal stripes of acrylic paint watered-down until it is transparent.  Chaos always underlies Order.  Chaos is also bigger and more interesting than Order.  The Kabbalah teaches about the Primordial World of Chaos that was… more
"With 32 Mystical Paths of Wisdom God (Yah...) engraved and created His Universe with 3 ספרים Sefarim:  With Sefer ספר (letters), with Sefar ספר (numbers) and with סיפר Sippur (a story). (These 32 Paths are:) 10 Sefirot of Nothingness and 22 Foundation Letters - 3 Mother Letters, 7 Double Letters and 12 Simple Letters." The 32 Paths of Mystical Wisdom derive from the first chapter of Genesis,… more
The Sages of the Talmud taught that there are 3 partners in the creation of every human being:  A father who gives the ‘white’ parts of the body; a mother who gives the ‘red’ parts; and God - who is present in the union of the two parents - and who gives us our consciousness, our 5 senses and our Soul.   This whole picture can be seen as just one figure, a Grandfather סבא (associated with Keter… more
This is a multi-media painting I made many years ago from a photograph I took.  Meron is to the west of Safed and is famous as being the site of the tomb of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, the famous 2nd Century kabbalist who is the leader of the group of kabbalists whose teachings are presented in the Zohar.  The tomb (which is not seen in this painting) is to the right on the top of the orange hill… more


I immigrated to Israel in 1977 at the age of 20, and spent two years studying Torah in Jerusalem, where I met my wife, Miriam. We got married in 1979 and moved to Zefat.

In Zefat, I mostly immersed myself in the study of the Talmud and other classic texts of Judaism as well as Kabbalah, but I continued to make art at night. 


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Sefer Yetzirah Motherboard
Sefer Yetzirah
| 15 November

Since the ancient classic Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Creation) inspires much of the art that is shown on this site, I feel that is

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Meditating on the Holy Name
The Third Temple
| 15 November

In the Torah, God commanded the Children of Israel to build a tabernacle, a Mishkan, a dwelling place for His Presence, the Shechinah.  God told Moshe to

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