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Psalm 107, called the Psalm of Thanksgiving, describes four perilous situations that could befall us.  It tells us that someone who has gone through any of these situations and survived has a special obligation to give thanks and praise to God.  There is even a special blessings to say in the synagogue when called to the Torah.
The perilous situations described in Psalm 107 are:
1. Being lost in a desert and eventually finding civilization.
2. Being imprisoned or held in captivity and then released.
3. Having a life-threatening illness and recovering… more

This picture uses the Flower of Life symbol that is part of Sacred Geometry.   A central circle is surrounded by 6 overlapping circles of the same size.  Each circle has a 6-petaled 'flower' embedded in it, but the white flower in the central circle is dominant.  The same pattern is extended outward in all directions. I also used the Flower of Life motif in my picture 'Psalm 107'.