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Most of the concepts that are presented in Sefer Yetzirah appear in this image.  The 22 Hebrew Letters and 10 Numbers (Sefirot) are said to be the building blocks of Creation, It is not so different from the letters and numbers that represent the building blocks of matter in the Periodic Table of the Elements, and the subatomic particle Zoo.  Because this picture looks like the motherboard of a computer, and because it contains Mother Letters, I call this picture The Sefer Yetzirah Motherboard.  All the arrows in this picture and all the words or phrases that are marked with similar markings show relationships between them.

This whole picture is comprised of One large Name יהוה (YHVH) written vertically. 

At the top of the picture is the 1st Letter of the Name - a large Yod י (Gematria 10) hinting at the10 Sefirot.  Surrounding it is text from the 1st chapter of Sefer Yetzirah, about he 10 Sefirot of Nothingness. 

In the body of the large light red Heh ה - the 2nd Letter of the Name contains text from the second chapter, about all 22 Foundation Letters in general.  The 3 Mother Letters - Aleph א Mem מ and Shin ש - the subject of the 3rd chapter are inside this Heh.

The yellow surrounding the Aleph extends downward and is a large letter Vav  ו  - the 3rd letter of the Name. On the right side below it are Bet ב and Kaf כ.  On the left side  are Gimel ג and Peh פDalet ד  is below the Vav.  Below that are Resh ר and Tav ת.  These Seven Double Letters are the subject of the 4th chapter.

A large blue Heh ה, the 4th Letter of the Name contains Twelve Simple Letters - Heh ה Vav ו Zayin ז Chet ח Tet ט Yod י Lamed ל Nune נ Samach ס Ayin ע Tzadi צ Kof ק - the subject of the 5th chapter of Sefer Yetzirah.

