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Mandala Number 8

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Category: Geometric
Tags: Geometric, eight

This geometric picture is based on the number 8.  I play with the shape of 8 in several pictures - see the Infinite 8; and the Infinite Aleph.  8 represents the Infinite One that is beyond Space and Time.  The High Priests in the Tabernacle and Temple would wear 8 vestments - 4 white line and 4 elaborately spun with gold thread.  Numbers in Time is Music.  Many traditional and modern songs are in 4/4 time. I like to play fiddle tunes on my violin, but I especially like playing them on my  mandolin, an instrument that has 8 strings.  It is tuned like a violin which has 4 strings but in mandolins, there are 2 strings tuned the same for each of those 4.  Mandolins are also picked rather than bowed like violins.   

In the center of this image an 8-pointed star (sometimes called Magen Avraham) can be seen in light blue. Magen Avrahams are composed of 2 interlocking squares rather that 2 interlocking triangles like the Magen David.  It is embedded in an octagon which is surrounded by an 8-pointed star in yellow.  The star is embedded in a circle which is surrounded by 8 overlapping circles that are the same size and the central circle.

